How to access 变焦 for students

  1. If the 变焦 app is already installed on your system. Open the 变焦 app and follow procedure from step 5.
    If the 变焦 app is not installed, login to Click on “Sign in”. Sign in using your 菠菜网lol正规平台 credential:
    变焦 sign in page to configure your account.
  2. Click on 资源 at the top navigation menu, and select ‘Download 变焦 Client’.
    Download 变焦 Client available from 资源 menu.
  3. Download 变焦 clients for meeting package:
    Download 变焦 package onto the computer.
  4. Download and save the 变焦 package. Then double click on the downloaded package and continue with the installation step: Double click to install the 变焦 app. 变焦 installation menu first step introducting what 变焦 is. 变焦 installation was successful checkmark.
  5. The 变焦 app will now be launched. Click on sign in: 变焦 signin menu.
  6. Then click on “Sign In with SSO”:
    变焦 Sign in with SSO menu. 
  7. Type in sjsu as the domain name:
    变焦 signin with SSO by entering 菠菜网lol正规平台. 
  8. The browser will open and you will need to provide your 菠菜网lol正规平台 credential for sign in.
  9. Once signed in, you will see the below 变焦 app home page. Click on “New Meeting” to start a new meeting.
    变焦 download interface after signing in.
  10. The 变焦 app will be opened with the meeting. It will then ask you to enable the audio. Select the option “Join with computer audio”:
  11.  变焦 session join with audio.
  12. You can now invite others by clicking on invite option at the bottom meeting option 面板:
    变焦 invite others to the session. 
  13. Click on invite and then choose either of the option to copy url or copy invitation:
    变焦 invite others from contact list to attend.
  14. Open your email and compose a new email. Paste the copied URL or invitation in the email and send email to people you want to invite for this meeting.
    The participants can join this meeting using the URL provided in the email.

Once d一个 with the meeting, click on end meeting present in the 变焦 meetings options at the bottom:
变焦 end meeting option.

变焦 end meeting choices: cancel, leave meeting, and end meeting for all.